Thursday, July 9, 2009

Brian Kilmeade: Lying Nazi Whore LANGUAGE WARNING

Kilmeade: Leave it to the Finns and Swedes to come up with something. Because that's a -- we are, we're a, we keep marrying other species and other ethnics and other --


Kilmeade: I mean the Swedes -- the Swedes have, uh, pure genes. Because they marry other Swedes. Because that's the rule. Finland -- Finns marry other Finns, so they have a pure society. In America, we marry everybody. So we marry Italians and Irish and --

Dave Briggs: OK, so this study does not apply.

Kilmeade: It does not apply to us.

Emphases mine.

This emphasis also mine:


So Sweden does a study of the benefits of marriage, and Brian Kilmeade goes on Fox & Friends yesterday morning and claims that Scandinavians have kept their genes pure by marrying each other, and not any of the other icky Europeans to be found slightly south and east of them.

But we, this great melting pot that calls itself the United States, we marry Italians and Irish and "--" (whoever they are) so this Swedish study of the benefits of marriage don't apply to us. Not to mention marrying people from Africa or Asia or the New World. Or even (heavens!) Jews.

Brian Kilmeade spent a lot of time getting that stupid little stache to sprout just under his nose, but he had to shave it off to go on Fox & Friends. I bet his idol Dolf was just devastated....

Via Crooks & Liars. Go there for video.

Title shamelessly lifted from Bartcop.

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